🔥 Sizzling Summers, Burning Questions

The heat is on for governments, organizations and banks alike.

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.”

Diane Ackerman

👋 Friends, Rallie here. The newsletter adding a little razzle-dazzle to your inbox with the latest in crypto, finance, and tech.

On the menu:

  • 🔥 Sizzling Summers, Burning Questions

  • 🗞️ Headlines That Hit

  • 📈 Refresh: Index Funds

  • ✌️ Trivia Tuesday

  • 💯 Top Tweets

The Rallie Recap

🔥 From wildfires to growing temperatures, this summer has governments ‘collaborating’ and money getting burned. Here’s how:

  • But there’s hope! 🧠 AI technology is making breakthroughs internationally by using sensors and satellite data for wildfire prediction. 🤔

  • If current technology can learn to accommodate the large size of Canada, wildfires can be predicted days before they happen. 🗓️

  • Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault is calling on businesses and financial institutions to help the fight saying, 💸 “We need more money, and we need more money from all sources,” after Canada contributed $450M to the Green Climate Fund.

  • 🌐 The minister is also pressuring the World Bank, calling multilateral institutions funding of environmental measures “patchy and at times inaccessible to the nations that need it most.” 🤷‍♀️

  • But Canada’s economy is no slacker in its greenhouse gas emissions… 🧐 will the burn of the wildfires bring international change?

  • 🌱 Don’t let the heat stop your news groove, keep up with us here at The Weekly Rallie!

Headlines That Hit

Rallie Refresh: Index Funds

😎 Called a haven for savings by the great Warren Buffet, how do you get in on the fun? Time to explore!

 💵 What is an index fund?

🤩 The theory behind it all..

  • 🤌🏻 Compared to actively managed funds, Buffet reasons that it makes more sense for the average investor to buy all of the S&P 500 companies at the low cost an index fund offers, instead of cherry-picking individual stocks which have higher expenses and fees. 🍒

  • It’s a long term game. 🛤️ The funds look to match the risk and return of the market based on the theory that in the long term, the market will outperform any single investment.

  • Fund managers (or more recently AI models) build portfolios that mirrors specific indexes’ securities to match the performance of the stock market or a wide section of it.

💰 Remember, DYOR on the index funds you invest in before you let them marinate in your portfolio. Like what we are doing here? By copying the link and sharing it with your friends and family, you let us know!

✌️Trivia Tuesday✌️

Which option is not one of the three bitcoin scams you should look out for?

We have posts on them...

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🛰️ The answer for Thursday’s newsletter (True or False? Elon Musk’s company accidentally blew up a satellite used by Facebook) is True! Tune in next time for today’s answer.

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Congrats, you made it to the end!

That's all for today. Stay hungry & we'll catch you next time. ✌️

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